Get actionable steps on how to monitor and enforce your MAP policy:

How Arlen Ness Effectively Monitors Their MAP Policy Using Seamless Communication

How Arlen Ness Effectively Monitors Their MAP Policy Using Seamless Communication

How Arlen Ness Effectively Monitors Their MAP Policy Using Seamless Communication:
Arlen Ness is a well-known name in the motorcycle industry with generations of heritage, but sellers were continuously violating their MAP policy. By instituting a more organized and cohesive monitoring process, their policy violations and customer complaints are decreasing while their company becomes more productive.

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Category: Customer Success | Posted: April

How To Handle Complaints About Your MAP Policy

How To Handle Complaints About Your MAP Policy

How To Handle Complaints About Your MAP Policy:
Customer complaints come with the territory, regardless of what you do. When it comes to your MAP policy, there are specific methods to implement to handle complaints and reduce violations. Enforcement is paramount, but supporting sellers that abide by your policies is also key to a successful MAP policy.

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Category: MAP Enforcement | Posted: April

The One Big Mistake Brands Make Monitoring Their MAP Policy

The One Big Mistake Brands Make Monitoring Their MAP Policy

The One Big Mistake Brands Make Monitoring Their MAP Policy:
‘Tattletale Reporting’ is a method many brands use to monitor their MAP policy. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. Allowing the market to monitor your brand on your behalf is like handing the keys to a drunk driver. Don’t do it. This article explains why it’s damaging to your brand on a number of levels.

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Category: MAP Monitoring | Posted: April