What is MAP Monitoring?:
This article covers how MAP monitoring comes into play and how to strategically use it to protect and grow your brand presence online. We also go into what it takes to successfully pull off a campaign including properly identifying sellers and products, monitoring them, gathering supporting evidence when a policy violation occurs and what steps to take to enforce a policy.
How to Create a Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policy:
There are many steps included in creating a MAP policy, but the best one to get you started is researching competitors’ prices. Knowing competitors' pricing can help you get a better idea of advertising prices for your products.
What is a Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Pricing Policy?:
It's time we all get on the same page about what a minimum advertised price policy is, how it came about, and why it's important that every single manufacturer has one implemented across their seller network. MAP monitoring and enforcement is one of the first steps to protecting your brand equity and your seller's profit margins.
Why Your Map Monitoring Company Isn't Scanning 'The Entire Internet':
We believe in people power. Technology is a tool, not a crutch. Though it may be tempting to tell your hair stylist you want 'the best haircut ever,' you're already aware of the limitations of reality because you've probably had a lot of haircuts in your life. The same is true with MAP Monitoring. We've been up and down this road a million times, so we know the fastest routes, regardless of traffic or weather. Metaphors aside, no one is scanning 'the entire Internet' to isolate your seller network, and we'll explain why in this article.
How to Start a MAP Policy in 5 Easy Steps:
Learn how to launch a minimum advertised price policy for your brand in these 5 steps. We dive into policy basics, how to stay in touch with your sellers throughout the process and the importance of letting sellers know you're using map monitoring software. Enforcement is just as important as monitoring and we offer some advice on how to deal with sellers that aren't complying.
Do You Need MAP Monitoring Software?:
You need MAP monitoring software, seriously. Manual methods aren't going to get it done because there's simply too much data and not enough time to check and recheck seller pricing. Save yourself the headache, gain some more time in your day and go with a trusted MAP monitoring company!