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2019 E-commerce Trends

Posted on 23rd January '19 in Ecommerce - Comments

2019 E-commerce Trends - What To Expect

Ecommerce Trends 2019 Infographic - What To Expect

Personalized Experience
Personalized experiences for shoppers can have a tremendous impact on your business. For example, Epsilon found that 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalized experiences. 

Custom Packaging
There is an increasing number of shoppers that are interested in a brand’s packaging. In a 2016 study, 68% of shoppers felt that a brand became more upscale due to its packaging. 61% of the shoppers also said the custom packaging made them more excited about the product. 

Multi-Channel Selling
In 2019, more and more shoppers are willing to make purchases on various platforms as 30% of online shoppers say they would be likely to make a purchase from a social media network like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat.

Mobile Optimization
Consumers are increasingly moving from desktops to their smartphones to purchase products online. It is more important than ever to have mobile optimization as one of the most important areas to focus on in 2019. Mobile-optimized search, digital wallets, and product videos are three big areas of importance. 
Influencing Factors for Shoppers

According to Bigcommerce, “the top three factors that are very or extremely influential in determining where Americans shop are price (87%), shipping cost and speed (80%) and discount offers (71%).”

Quicker Delivery
Same-day delivery is becoming a big desire for many shoppers. According to Bigcommerce, 34% of people said difficult to return items and long delivery estimates were a pain. 

Mobile Payments Increase
Global mobile payment revenue is expected to continue to increase to over $1 Trillion in 2019. Online payment companies are expected to improve their processes to make online payments more efficient and secure. 

Ecommerce Trends 2019

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